The Kingdom Global DNA is:

    1. Identity

    2. Motives

    3. Vision

    4. Strategy

    5. Values


WHO we are in Christ. It is all about Christ -

(I) who Christ is

(II) who we are in Christ

(III) who Christ is in us.


WHY we do what we do. Our motivation is our love for God. We do what we do because we love God. His love in us then overflows to love for people. Our motivation is based on Jn. 3:16 - everything God does for us is based on His great love for us.


WHAT we aim to accomplish. Our vision is to Advance the Kingdom of God globally - in every HEART, HOME and COMMUNITY. Our vision is based on Mt. 6:10 - bringing the Kingdom of HEAVEN to every community on EARTH.

In this season, the PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the vision is to establish a Kingdom Community in every community in Gauteng.


HOW we will accomplish the vision. Our strategy is summed up by:


Genesis 1 states that we have to fill the earth with the image of God by being FRUITFUL and then MULTIPLY, until we fill all the earth. The parable of the sower in Mt. 13 shows that the Kingdom SEED is first received, then the ROOTS come forth, then finally KINGDOM FRUIT is produced.

I. As we receive the SEED of the gospel of the Kingdom, we ENTER the Kingdom of God by being born-again.
II. As we get ROOTED in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, we are ESTABLISHED in the Kingdom of God.
III. As we produce FRUIT in our lives, we MULTIPLY the Kingdom of God into hearts, homes, communities and nations.

The STRATEGY - the PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the vision - to establish a Kingdom Community in every community in Gauteng is as follows:


1. Define the Domain
2. Cover in Prayer
3. Find the Key Person
4. Form the Core Group
5. Launch Kingdom Group Multiplication
6. Establish the fully functioning Kingdom Community
7. Target new Domains

Kingdom Global TEAM is the 1000 member team of ministers that will move together in the love of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to see the Gauteng vision accomplished. As we see that happen - by the supernatural grace of God alone - we will target different regions in the nations - nations like Russia, India and up into Africa - to apply what we have learnt in Gauteng.

5. A commitment to our VALUES

Our values are summed up by LOVE, HOPE and FAITH. We always move in unity and humility. We acknowledge that God will accomplish His perfect will through imperfect people like us. We move on the basis of a deep inner revelation and peace, not because some told us to move. We never measure to compare, but rather to understand how we can improve. We want to be more passionate and dedicated to win souls and make disciples of Jesus than the most diligent business tycoon is to make money.

The Kingdom Global DNA is based on a commitment to SOUND DOCTRINE, firmly based on the Bible and a commitment to a HOLY, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

As ministers of God, we are called to a high level of holiness. Our WALK has to line up with our TALK. Our family and relationships have to testify to our godly lifestyle. The words that we speak should always reflect our heavenly calling. Successful long-term relationships is a major indicator of a Godly lifestyle.


With love in Christ,
Hugo van Niekerk and the Kingdom Global TEAM