How to get involved - Start here

We are calling you to PRAY for your suburb or community in Gauteng.

CONTACT US TODAY to start a Kingdom Community in your community.
(SMS or WhatsApp Linda at 082 3478733)

In Mat. 6:10, the will of God is made clear by Jesus Christ: "...Your KINGDOM come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Kingdom of God + Your Community = YOUR KINGDOM COMMUNITY

The mandate of Kingdom Global Group is to bring the Kingdom to every community in Gauteng. That includes every suburb, township, security estate, squatter camp, company, farm, factory, university, school, hospital and governmental institution.

As the Kingdom comes to people's HEARTS, it fills their HOMES and then spreads into their COMMUNITIES.

Kingdom Community = Ekklesia = Church

The LEADERSHIP of a Kingdom Community emerges over time in the community itself.

The FINANCES in that Kingdom Community are used as decided by that Kingdom Community. 10% of the finances is set aside to plant new Kingdom Communities. This 10% to plant new KC's is also used by the Kingdom Community itself.

The leadership of a Kingdom Community will usually have their own occupations and businesses, so maximum finances are spent on further building up and serving the community, rather than for salaries.

A community usually has a school hall, community hall or clubhouse, so there is usually no need to build church buildings for the Kingdom Communities.

We believe in the HUGE POTENTIAL of every Christian. Instead of a small team of professionals doing ministry, the entire Body of Christ is equipped for ministry.

Kingdom Global Gauteng is part of the Kingdom Global Group, which has been doing church planting and Kingdom Advancing in Russia, Central Asia and South and Southeast Asia for the last 20 years.


A Kingdom Community is a glorious manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

It is a group of Christians in a specific location who:

  • Worship the FATHER in spirit and in truth
  • Follow JESUS CHRIST their Saviour and King with all their heart, becoming more and more like Him in word and in life.
  • Fellowship with the HOLY SPIRIT in a lifelong, ever-growing relationship, daily experiencing His manifest presence and moving in His wisdom and power.
  • Love one another, pray for one another and daily encourage one another.

In a Kingdom Community our first priority is to see everyone BORN AGAIN, baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then our focus progresses to be seeing everyone becoming a true DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ, living VICTORIOUSLY in all areas of his life and enjoying the life in ABUNDANCE that we have been given in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Eventually we all become well established in the WORD of God, applying the truth of God at work and at home.

As we see a Kingdom Community grow into a VIBRANT FAMILY of fellow believers, we then stand together to see similar Kingdom Communities established all across Gauteng.

Thousands are in churches, but MILLIONS are outside the church. Let us go bring them in!

Together we will pray and move forward as KINGDOM ADVANCERS to see the Kingdom of God established in all of Gauteng, South Africa and Globally.


With love in Christ,
Hugo van Niekerk and the Kingdom Global TEAM